Articles tagged with "Leadership Stories"

IWF UK Leadership Stories: Pam Garside
This month Pam Garside shares her Leadership Story, giving us insights into the challenges of working internationally and the courage required to ‘move on’ when facing a ‘wrong decision. She shares the inspiration she has found in teaching and mentoring young people in the Health Sector.
IWF UK Leadership Stories: Edna Kissmann
This month social entrepreneur Edna Kissmann, founder of The Wonder of Me, a new application and education package to challenge children’s obesity, reflects on how she rose from a junior at Burson-Marsteller in New York to become an expert authority on healthcare communications, and a trusted counsellor of CEOs and other leaders around the world.

IWF UK Leadership Stories: Christine Brown-Quinn
In this month’s Leadership story we hear from Christine Brown-Quinn, who rose to the ranks of Managing Director in International Finance. Christine is also the author of Step Aside Superwoman: Career and Family is for Any Woman. She draws on her own challenges and successes to provide practical and insightful advice.

IWF UK Leadership Stories: Jan Morgan
In the latest of our Leadership Stories, we feature our member Jan Morgan, a multi-talented entrepreneur and former Chair of IWF London (2001 to 2005). Her varied accomplishments include founding charities and her own business, and designing gardens. Jan writes about being brave in the face of adversity, in particular significant health problems.

IWF UK Leadership Stories: Lynne Berry
In this month's Leadership Story we feature Lynne Berry, OBE, Chair of Breast Cancer Now and recipient of the 2017 Daniel Phelan Award for Outstanding Achievement for her remarkable contribution to the charitable sector. Lynne emphasises the need to build trust and a common purpose to create sustainable change.