Our annual events programme is our most important platform for promoting women’s leadership and for enriching by sharing knowledge, ideas and support.
The programme includes: inspiring speakers; networking breakfasts; behind-the-scenes tours; members’ Dine-Arounds; topical discussion evenings; special interest evenings and our annual events: Annual General Meeting; Jean Denton Lecture; Spring and Autumn Receptions and Festive Breakfast. Our members are welcome to bring guests to many of our events.
If you could choose ONE word to define your 2025 - Virtual Clubhouse
If you could choose just ONE word to define your 2025, what would it be and why? With host Diane Caddle
IWF UK Breakfast with Kate Eves OBE
Transparency and accountability - how much do we want to know about our criminal justice hidden spaces?
IWF UK Member Dine-Around
Join IWF UK member Marty Rolle for dinner at her home in Highgate.