How businesses can respond to climate change

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An article in New York Magazine which was the forerunner to the book ‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ changed Julie Baddeley’s life forever. This month she’s celebrating the first anniversary of Chapter Zero, the organisation she founded with other passionate volunteers to enable board members to take ownership of the climate challenge.

Julie and Francesca Sharp, Technical Lead on Climate Change at ICAEW, provided compelling information and sparked stimulating conversation with IWF UK members on 6 July, illustrating how businesses and their boardrooms can respond to the climate emergency through innovation, and adaptation, to cut emissions and achieve the UK’s net zero greenhouse gases target by 2050.

Boards have a duty to stakeholders to act now and develop climate change strategies that go hand-in-hand with their business strategies to protect asset values for the future. And in the midst of Covid-19, a green recovery is vital with the rally cry to ‘Build Back Better’. The ICAEW is driving significant efforts through 178k chartered accountants and students to support businesses in 153 countries.

Positive feedback from those attending included:

“This session made the topic of climate change tangible and clearly framed in a business context. Very insightful and informative.”

“This is so topical as we are so focused on COVID that the focus on climate change feels a bit pushed to the side.”

All those who are on boards are encouraged to join for free and take advantage of the useful information and tools to take to their boardrooms.

You can find out more information about ICAEW at:

Note: The article that sparked Julie Baddeley’s actions was the forerunner to book, The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells and is available here:

Kathryn Pretzel-Shiels

To watch a recording of this event click here to be directed to the Members only section of the website and find it within the event write up in Members News (Rightside menu bar)


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