Thought Leadership

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Dance and movement have broad benefits for the physical and mental health of all age groups.

The COVID pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the Arts, including the Dance world. Social distancing has made it difficult to perform and convene large audiences. For the most part, our UK theatres have remained dark, and many performers have been deprived of their livelihood.

At the same time, the pandemic has presented serious physical and mental health challenges. If there ever was a time to keep your immune system healthy and protect your physical health, this long winter of the pandemic is it. Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to threats such as the pandemic – and affect both physical and mental health. Added to this, there are significant changes to our daily lives such as restrictions on movement in response to the spread of the virus. Faced with working from home, temporary unemployment, home schooling children and lack of contact with family members, friends and colleagues, our mental health is at greater risk.[i]

Can Dance be a solution? Can Dance enterprises help address these physical and mental health challenges?

To read the full article please click here.

Ida Levine
Ida Levine